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Google Hunting for NFC Experts

Every few days, it seems, we’re here talking about NFC again. After all, near field communication technologies — the technology that lets users conduct complex short-range communication that can do anything from pull up a site to finalize a purchase — do seem to be the way of the future. For one, all the big name companies are investing in NFC, including the leading phone carriers, numerous hardware companies, and Google (through acquisition of an NFC company, integration of NFC into their mobile devices, the upcoming Android-integrated payment system, and even some snazzy NFC stickers). Well, Google isn’t content with that already lengthy list of items: they’re now looking for new Googlers with experience in the NFC industry.

According to the post over at Google Watch, Google is on the hunt for representatives who know about the world of NFC. Specifically, they are currently in the market to hire a “mobile commerce accounts manager,” and on the list of items they want this rep to be familiar with?  “NFC/RFID technologies,” of course. They also specify that they want someone with at least five years of experience and that experience in other areas — including “chipset ISO specifications, integration with POS readers & systems and payment processing, technical implementation of merchant loyalty, [and] coupon or incentive programs.”

This compilation of preferences gives us a pretty solid idea of what Google’s going for here: They want a representative who can run projects having to do with local products, including any attempts of Google’s to compensate for their failed Groupon bid, NFC technology in general, and NFC payment technologies. It’s more than likely that this representative, whoever it winds up being, will be working closely with Marissa Mayer (who heads up the local end of things over at Google) and will be going hands-on with some of the most exciting projects in Google over the next few years.

Category SEO
Rob D Young

Rob has been insatiably obsessed with Google, search engine technology, and the trends of the web-based world since he began ...