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Google Indexing Blogs Quickly

If you’ve launched a new blog at Blogger or WordPress, you might be wondering if or when Google might get around to indexing your site.  Evidence lately seems to suggest that even if you don’t have many, or in some cases any, incoming links that Google will still index your blog pretty quickly.

WebProNews points out several examples from those in the search industry, and the consensus seems to be that you don’t have much to worry about, and you’ll get indexed sooner rather than later.  But rather than take any chances by not putting any effort into snagging some links, your best bet is to make a concerted effort to get at least a couple incoming links.  That way, you’ll be sure that Google will find out about your site some way or another.

Updating your blog frequently can also help to ensure that Google finds it faster, and keeps you in their index. Once you’ve gotten into their index, use it to your advantage.  If you continue to write compelling, interesting posts, you’ll gradually attract more readers.  And being in their index will increase the chances that more people will find your site when they conduct not just a Blog Search, but also a regular Google Search.  After all, a regular Google search will now net you universal search results, including not just web pages, but also results from blogs, videos, images, and more.

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