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Google Launches Official Search Blog

Google has a massive list of blogs at their disposal (roughly a hundred, in fact), and for those keeping an eye on the mass movements, new releases, and picky details these outlets serve as an ideal resource. Of course, those only interested in the more significant or specialized items are better served checking out just a select handful of Google blogs or, say, the news written on sites like Search Engine Journal. Unfortunately, when it comes to Google’s blogs, there’s been one glaring gap: there’s no blog dedicated to search announcements. At long last, that’s been remedied.

The Search Blog will be giving “regular updates on our algorithms and [search] features.” Of course, this information wasn’t just kept hidden before. While Google didn’t update the world every time they made an algorithm change (changes are made daily), big shifts in features, priorities, and so forth were released on either the Official Google Blog, the Webmaster Central Blog, or inside the help resources of either the Help Center for Search or the Help Center for Webmasters. This shotgun dispersal of information has now been focused, and users can read up on the stories most applicable to Google’s gravitational center: the SERP.

It makes some sense that Google didn’t separate search from its core blog when the Official Google Blog was created; back in 2004 when the official blog was created, Google was almost entirely a search company with only a few extra services to help increase search loyalty. Now they’re a giant in mobile (thanks to Android), productivity (thanks to Google Apps and independent services like Gmail, Docs, and Calendar), media (thanks to YouTube), and more. As search becomes just one more spinning wheel (albeit a crucial one) in the Google machine, it’s only natural that it would be separated from the mix in informational resources. You can check out the new Inside Search blog here.

[via the Official Google Blog]


Category SEO
Rob D Young

Rob has been insatiably obsessed with Google, search engine technology, and the trends of the web-based world since he began ...