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Google is Looking for Feedback on Autocomplete Suggestions

Google is Looking for Feedback on Autocomplete Suggestions

Google’s iOS app has been updated to version 31.0, and with it comes a new feature for sending feedback to the company.

Specifically, Google is looking for feedback on its autocomplete suggestions. The changelog reads:

“You can now give feedback on autocomplete suggestions to help us improve them. To give feedback or report a suggestion, just swipe it to the left.”

For the life of me I could not get it to work on an iPad, only an iPhone, so be aware of that if you ever need to use this reporting feature. That said, here’s a look at how it works on iPhone.

Let’s say I was conducting a search for “auto”, and I wanted to report the word “autopsy” because it has nothing to do with what I was searching for. After swiping left a little ‘i’ icon appears.

After tapping on the icon, the app asks whether or not you want to report the suggestion.

Tapping on “Report This” brings you to the following screen:

On the third and final screen you can indicate why you are reporting the autocomplete suggestion. For the record, I didn’t go as far as reporting the word “autopsy”, because it is a perfectly fine suggestion.

Giving users the ability to report autocomplete suggestions from the search bar itself could be a response to the complaints Google has received for displaying offensive suggestions.

This is yet one more effort from Google to make its search bar clean and safe for everyone.

Category News Mobile SEO
SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...