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Google Makes Hefty Donation to Science Museums

In a world where at least some level of philanthropy is expected from all corporations, it’s difficult to say that throwing millions of dollars around is significant in and of itself. However, exactly how and where that money is thrown does say something about a company – and especially about the way they want to portray their brand and priorities. Google is one company where donations are both substantial and telling, with over $100 million (U.S.) donated to non-profits each year. Most recently, Google donated $12 million to science museums.

Google explains their decision on donating the hefty sum, stating that it’s a “thank you” for inspiring some of their staffers to take on a career in technology. Four million of the donation, at least, is going to two Bay Area museums (theExploratorium and the California Academy of Sciences) that directly impacted the early career development of currentGooglers.

“We wanted to support museums in the community where Google has a strong presence,” said Jamie Yoord, Google’s public affairs manager on philanthropic actions. “We have a lot of people at Google who cite their experience at science museums as part of their decision to become an engineer.”

While the donations will go a long way, many of these museums still have a long way to go to reach financial goals. TheExploratorium, which received two million dollars from Google, is in the process of raising $300 million for a waterfront expansion that will be opening in 2013.

Other donation recipients include the Boston Museum of Science, the Chicago Museum of Science & Industry, the London Science Museum, the New York Museum of Mathematics, and the New York Hall of Science. Several of these donations were given as grants to the museums, despite there being no formal application process. The choice of locations serves, not as a declaration of which areas require the most attention or have the strongest programs, but where Google and its staff members have a strong community presence.

[via Mercury News]


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Rob D Young

Rob has been insatiably obsessed with Google, search engine technology, and the trends of the web-based world since he began ...