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Google Makes it Easier to Target YouTube Ads to Users on Connected TVs

Google Makes it Easier to Target YouTube Ads to Users on Connected TVs

Google is introducing a new TV screens device type for video ads that will allow advertisers to target users watching YouTube on connected TVs.

The new TV screens device type joins other device types in Google Ads and Display & Video 360 such as computers, phones, and tablets.

With a dedicated device type for TV screens, advertisers can use different creative specifically for TV viewers or set a device bid adjustment for ads on TV screens.

Advertisers will also get access to reporting for ads that run on TV screens, making it easier to measure the impact of ads on that device type.

In its announcement, Google cites research from Ipsos Lab Experiments that suggests people react positively to ads on TV screens.

“… based on Ipsos Lab Experiments, YouTube ads shown on TV drove a significant lift in ad recall and purchase intent, with an average lift of 47 percent and 35 percent respectively.”

Advertisers can set device targeting for video campaigns by following the steps below:

  • Sign in to Google Ads
  • Click Campaigns in the Page menu
  • Select a video campaign
  • Click “Devices” in the Page menu
  • Hover over the device type you want to target
  • Click the pencil icon in the Bid adj. column
  • Select Increase or Decrease from the drop down
  • Enter the percentage you want to adjust targeting by
  • Click Save

The new TV screens device type is available to YouTube advertisers as of today.

Ads will be displayed to users streaming YouTube content on devices such as smart TVs, video game consoles, and devices like Chromecast and Apple TV.

Category News YouTube
SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...