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Google Maps Now Lets You Review Continents and Oceans

Google Maps Now Lets You Review Continents and Oceans

You can find virtually anything on Google, and it appears that now includes reviews for Earth’s continents and oceans.

Ever wondered what the internet thinks about the entire continent of Europe? North America? What about the Atlantic Ocean?

Well if you look up these locations on Google Maps you can now find some helpful reviews and star ratings. I use the term “helpful” somewhat loosely, because users are having more fun with this bizarre feature than anything.

Let’s take a look at some examples so you can see what I mean.

Reviews of North America:

Reviews of Africa:

Reviews of the Pacific Ocean:

Those are just a few of the thousands of reviews available. If you want to, you can look up reviews for all of Earth’s continents and oceans.

Want to know how the Atlantic Ocean compares to the Arctic Ocean? Now Google Maps has the answer. Remember to leave a review the next time you’re visiting your favorite body of water to help out your fellow searchers.

Category News Local Search
SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...