Sometime in 2005, Google has launched the Code Search, a vertical search property that indexes and parses published source code on the web giving users (more particularly, code developers and programmers) a flexible search engine to find what source codes are already available.
More than 3 years after it was launched, Google has integrated the results of the Code Search into Google’s main search property. For some general users, this may be bit way off, since the search results from Code Search are a bit on the technical side. These search results are not your typical keyword search results that displays organized link references. Instead, the Code Search results display algorithmic expressions of available source codes which are complex to be understand by ordinary search users like us.
But as Cubrilovic pointed out, integration of the results of the Code Search, complex as it may be is a sign of product maturity. Code Search being one of Google’s vertical search property should also be treated like other Google vertical search property which has been integrated into its main search property.
This explains recent improvements to Code Search announced by Google last week. These improvements include code highlighting, browsing and refining based on class, project among other things.