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Google Panda Update Tips and Timeline [Infographic]

Google Panda Update Tips and Timeline [Infographic]

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last year, you no doubt understand that the Google Panda Update that was initially released at the beginning of 2011 is designed to penalize sites with weak content while rewarding sites with quality content. Since the initial release of this algorithm update, there have been several “updates to the update” that are designed to tweak the way the original update performs.

Sound confusing? It really doesn’t have to be. The essential fact to keep in mind here is that as long as you are producing good, quality content, your site should not suffer any negative effects from Panda.

The following infographic from SEO.com provides a detailed timeline of Google’s Panda update to the company’s search algorithm. Additionally the infographic offers some advice on how to help your site stay in Google’s good graces with specific actions you can take on your site. The advice may seem to be elementary, but if you feel you have been affected by Panda in a negative way, it might be time to take a hard look at these items and see if there might be some ways you can improve your site.

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David Wallace Infographic Journal

David Wallace, co-founder and CEO of SearchRank, is a recognized expert in the industry of search and social media marketing. ...