Google’s flagship device for Gingerbread, the Nexus S, is being promoted once again. This time around Google is doing a one-day giveaway of the device for those who sign a two year contract. The bigger question, though, is why?
The Nexus S Giveaway
Those with a shrewd eye will note a message on the bottom of the Google search page today, August 3rd: “Nexus S, a pure Google experience. Get it FREE today only.” This links to a special promotional site that outlines the technical specifications, the features, and the aesthetics of the device. From there, users can sign a two-year contract with Sprint, T-Mobile, or AT&T to receive the phone for free, including shipping.
Since this phone is normally over $500, the promotion is fairly major, and indicates that this phone – once unsubsidized – is now being discounted by the carriers and other groups as well. Whether it’s Google or Best Buy (the only outlet this deal is available through), covering those costs is unsure, but someone is definitely picking up the tab.
Still, that tab shouldn’t be too big. This deal is only available on a limited number of Nexus S phones, and the deal itself ends at the end of August 3rd. Among other things, that means if you want it, you better get it now.
Why Is the Nexus S Important?
After its initial wave of promotions in the holiday season last year, the Nexus S essentially dropped off the face of the planet. The Nexus S 4G, released earlier this year, was only promoted lightly. So, is this an attempt to boost sales of the 4G version? Is Google still trying to push their brand into the phone development line?
While those are possibilities, it’s more likely that this choice is based on the NFC technology that the Nexus S contains. Nexus S is built to support Google Wallet immediately, and while other NFC devices are available, the Google Wallet payment program certainly needs a bigger user-base if it wants to spread.
[Sources include: Google]