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Google Receives Overwhelming Response to Call for Fiber Network Host

Google Receives Overwhelming Response to Call for Fiber Network Host

With the deadline for Google’s call for request for information on various communities to host their fiber network project already closed, Google has reportedly receive 194,000 individual responses and around 1, 100 community responses.  That only goes to show that people want Google to build its fiber network project no matter what the stakes will be for their communities. Or is it more because of the fact that Google’s presence will bring more positive impacts to the community than the negative ones?

The Official Google Blog is also reporting how flattering some of the RFIs that Google received were. Some are through YouTube videos, public rallies, and even Facebook groups.  And over the coming months, Google will be reviewing all the responses to determine where to build possibly its next biggest project. Site visits, meeting with local officials and consulting with third-party organizations will be conducted until Google has finally selected the community where the fiber network will be hosted. Hopefully, this is before the year ends.

Google plans to build the foundation for its broadband network that could reach as much as 50, 000 communities and around 500,000 people.

Here’s a geographic representation where those responses received by Google came from.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...