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Google Releases API for Sites Service

Google has just announced the availability of the API of its Sites service. Of course we all know that such API would render Google Sites to work easily with other third-party tools. And this would also enable you to switch easily from Google Sites to another software without affecting the data you create in Google Sites.

According to Google, the Google Sites API will have the following uses.

  • Update Google Sites from 3rd party applications – e.g. your sales team’s Google Sites pages can update automatically when new leads are added to your CRM system.
  • Migrate files and content from workspace applications like Microsoft SharePoint and Lotus Notes to Google Sites.
  • Export Google Sites pages, edit them offline, and re-import the updated content.
  • Export your sites, including every page revision, for backup.
  • Easily monitor changes across your important internal and public sites, all from a single gadget.
  • Push new content like changes to employee policies or a new corporate logo to any site on your domain, even sites created by individual employees.

If you’re a developer, and you find the Google Sites API familiar, well actually it is just the Google Data API which you may have already used before. Google is releasing the standard protocol support for authentication and querying that you would need to implement the Google Sites API, including documentation and sample applications.

And what does the Google Sites API has to do with us? Well, we can always wait for developers to come up with useful tools and applications using the Google Sites API.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...