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Google Reports $64B Economic Contribution to Businesses

Google is taking a moment to celebrate small business week (this week, that is), which may seem a little odd at first glance. After all, the company is so massive that everything they try to do (and every tiny mega-million company they buy out with blinking) seems to result in a federal injunction. But Google believes they’ve made a fairly specific contribution to the little guys: a $64 billion impact in 2010, to be more exact.

That figure comes from estimates on what sites earn (or the more general economic activity that nonprofits see) based on theirAdWords spend. For every $1 spent, claims Google, a site sees $8 in economic activity through either Google AdWords or Google Search. The company levies a specific example in the company Everblue, which was established by two veterans and an entrepreneurial friend who wanted to help the U.S. become more energy independent through using more sustainable architectural practices. By using AdWords, Everblue was able to quadruple in size.

Perhaps more importantly, Google’s figures from this year are a full 18% higher than they were last year, indicating a substantial increase in the total advertising and profitability for those who advertise. A full website has been set up explaining the details, providing examples, and otherwise bragging at google.com/economicimpact.

[via the Official Google Blog]


Category SEO
Rob D Young

Rob has been insatiably obsessed with Google, search engine technology, and the trends of the web-based world since he began ...