Google Says No to MSN Search on Blogger?
Threadwatch points to a blogger’s account of Google not being too happy with the placement of an MSN Search Box on a blog hosted by Google’s Blogger/Blogspot.
‘RJDohnert’ posts on the Microsoft Developers Network :
I just checked my e-mail and I got a mail from Google this afternoon. Seems they are kinda ticked that I have an MSN Search box on my blogspot page and they are asking that I remove it. They say its a violation of their Terms of Service yet nowhere in their terms of service does it say its not permitted for me to do such.
EDIT: They say its obstructing their services.
Apparently the account was deleted and now the MSN Search loving blogger has moved his blog over to hosting.
With Yahoo offering a contextual advertising network for bloggers, MSN soon doing the same, and various search engines offering publisher and search tools, the question is What exactly obstructs Blogger/Google services?
* Only search boxes?
* YPN and other ad networks?
* Publisher tools like Y!Q?
Please feel free to chime in with your opinions below.