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Google Plus Box : Search Results Get Better

Google Plus Box : Search Results Get Better

While Yahoo improves its mobile search results, Google on the other hand unveils Plus Box. From the official Google blog:

We’re very excited to unveil Plus Box, a new search feature that lets you see more information about individual search results. Whenever you see the plus box icon – – click on it to see the additional rich data expand below the original search result. With Plus Box, you’ll get a visual snapshot of related information, so it is faster and easier to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Currently, the Plus Box only contains finance data about companies which are listed in NASDAQ, NYSE and AMEX. This data includes stock price and other company information. Additionally, if a user wants to find out more about the company listed in the search result, they can click on the “more information” link, which would bring them to the Google Finance portal.

In addition to the business information, the new Plus Box will also display a location map of the business company if Google Map has mapped its actual location.

This is a pretty exciting additional feature of the already great search engine that is Google. If they can manage to put in more relevant information on each of the search results displayed by the search engine, it would definitely save a lot of time spent by users searching for that one piece of link that would lead them to the right information that they need.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...