No one says Twitter search is better than Google; instead, it is different. You can’t compare them but you can combine them. This post looks into ways to check relevant Twitter updates while you are searching Google.
Twitter Search Results on Google: this script displays 5 most recent tweets based on your search query, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page:
WebMynd enables you to search a wealth of search platforms simultaneously with your Google search, by default: Twitter Search, Amazon, YouTube; but you can also add numerous other search options (e.g. Flickr, Wikipedia, Digg, LinkedIn, CNN, etc). Twitter search results appear right on Google’s results page in the right sidebar:
Google Twitter integration script is a bit different; instead of showing the Twitter updates within Google SERPs, it adds a small link to Twitter search results based on your query:
Update: one more recently launched great tool to combine Google, Twitter, Bing, Yahoo and EBay results: Search3