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Google Smart Shopping Campaigns: Structure, Optimization, & Reporting

On this special episode, PPC experts discuss Google's Smart Shopping campaigns, what products are the right fit, how to set them up, reporting tips, and more!

Google Smart Shopping Campaigns: Structure, Optimization, & Reporting

Join the Marketing O’Clock team for a Marketing O’Talk roundtable discussion. This month, we’re joined by an esteemed panel of PPC experts to talk about Google smart shopping campaigns.

Tune in to learn about structure, reporting, and optimization for smart shopping. Plus, we attempt to answer the million-dollar question, are smart shopping campaigns actually smart?

On the episode, we’re joined by:

Who Should Be Using Smart Shopping Campaigns?

Pam recommends smart shopping for brands with a strong audience.

“Because smart shopping does include a lot of retargeting and a lot of display, it works really well for brands that already have a really strong audience or that have a really great brand recognition and who are doing a lot of top of funnel advertising.

Unless you are selling something that is unique that people can only get from you, or if you’re not the market leader, it is really hard to make shopping work for you.”

Smart Shopping Optimization

Budget and ROAS target are the two main levers that advertisers can adjust in smart shopping campaigns. But how should you go about optimizing them?

Kirk recommends making incremental changes to campaigns.

“Balancing the budget and the ROAS target is kind of key. And not making incremental changes above 10% to 20%, I think is really key as well.”

Reporting for Smart Shopping Campaigns

One of the biggest challenges advertisers face with smart shopping campaigns is the lack of data available for analysis. Our guests share some tips on how to pull data out of the black box.

Cole says,

“My favorite report that I found is Google’s retail categories. Google tries to categorize search terms that people are using to find products and you can see how they’re categorized in Google Ads.

What was most surprising to me was, for my clients, it matched Google’s retail category to the product that was advertised in that campaign almost 90% of the time”

Watch the full episode to hear all the tips, tricks, and smart shopping tests that our guests recommend!

Head over to the Marketing O’Clock site to subscribe to our show.

Featured Image Credit: Samantha Hanson, Cypress North

Category News SEJ Network
Christine Zirnheld Digital Marketer at Cypress North

Christine “Shep” Zirnheld is a digital marketer at Cypress North & cohost of Marketing O’Clock on the Search Engine Journal ...