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Google Spreadsheets

Google Spreadsheets

Google Spreadsheets is (semi) up and running today; it’s in a limited beta test at this point, so you can’t actually use it, but you can sign up to be one of the invited few. More about Google Spreadsheets from the official Google Spreadsheets Help Page:

“Google Spreadsheets allows you to create, store and share spreadsheets on the web. For those of you who already struggle to organize multiple versions of spreadsheets and other data and lists, Google Spreadsheets is a great solution, providing:

  • Import and export of .xls and .csv formatted data.
  • Intuitive navigation and editing, like any traditional spreadsheet.
  • Access controls, so you can decide who, if anyone, can edit or view your spreadsheets.
  • Online storage, so you can access your spreadsheets from any web-connected computer.
  • Formatting and formula editing so you can calculate results and make your data look the way you want it.

Whoo HOO! Spreadsheets, baby! For anyone who uses spreadsheets on a daily basis (and that would definitely not be me), this probably will be a most useful application. As far as this being a challenge to Microsoft’s Excel program, time will tell.

Category SEO

Wendy Boswell is the Editor for About Web Search and part of the New York Times Company.