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Google Supports New Structured Data for Retailers

Google now supports ‘shipping details’ structured data markup for displaying shipping info in shopping searches.

Google Supports New Structured Data for Retailers

Google is starting to support a new type of Schema.org markup that allows retailers to add shipping information to search results.

ShippingDetails structured data can be used by retailers to mark up important information about shipping policies and options associated with a product.

When the structured data is added to product pages it shows up in search results as highlighted below:

“Shipping details, including cost and expected delivery times, are often a key consideration for users making purchase decisions. In our own studies, we’ve heard that users abandon shopping checkouts because of unforeseen or uncertain shipping costs.

This is why we will often show shipping cost information in certain result types, including on free listings on Google Search.”

Google notes that all retailers in the US can benefit from this markup, as listing products in Google Shopping has been free since June.

According to Schema.org’s official documentation, these are the types of entities that can be used to represent different shipping costs and delivery times.

  • Delivery Time: The total delay between the receipt of the order and the goods reaching the final customer.
  • Does Not Ship: Indicates when shipping to a particular destination is not available.
  • Shipping Destination : Indicates where an item can be shipped to.
  • Shipping Rate: The cost of shipping to the specified destination.
  • Shipping Settings Link: Link to a web page containing shipping rate and delivery time details.

In addition to this new structured data, retailers have always had the option to configure shipping settings in Google Merchant Center.

This markup is designed primarily for retails who don’t have active Merchant Center accounts.

There is no need to use both the markup and Merchant Center.

Sources: Google Webmaster Central Blog, Schema.org

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SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...