Google X – for OS X
This is the first time I found this, and all the credit goes to Cre8asite Forum’s Barry Welford. Check out Google X at The little line at the bottom reads, “Roses are red. Violets are blue. OS X rocks. Homage to you.” Also, make sure to mouse over those icons, nice OS X dock genie (magnification) affect.
Chikai Ohhazama, Software Engineer at Google reports more on Google X for Mac OS X on the Google Blog:
Now there’s Google X, which came about because I wanted a quick fun way to access all of Google’s services. I gave it to a few friends in the company, who gave it to their friends, some posted it on their blogs, others sent it around on mailing lists, and it eventually made its way to Marissa Mayer, who liked it enough to say, when do you want to put it up on Labs?
So after some spit and polish from some enthusiastic Googlers and the keen eye of the UI team, Google X is here. I hope all of you enjoy it – especially Mac users, who I’m sure will appreciate its lineage.
Barry Schwartz is the Editor of Search Engine Roundtable and President of RustyBrick, Inc., a Web services firm specializing in customized online technology that helps companies decrease costs and increase sales.