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Googlers Are Being Targeted With An Anti-Google Ad Campaign

Googlers Are Being Targeted With An Anti-Google Ad Campaign

Google employees are being targeted with an ad campaign encouraging them to advocate for unbiased search results.

The campaign, called “Focus on the User,” has been put together by a consortium of companies led by Yelp. Their main argument is that Google is unfairly ranking its own properties ahead of competitors in local search results.

“Focus on the User” aims to create change from within by suggesting that Google employees should spread the campaign’s message amongst their coworkers.

Yelp has been arguing for some time now that Google allegedly ranks its own properties more prominently, particularly in local search results.

Displaying biased search results, as alleged by the Yelp-led consortium, is a disservice to the end user because it would prevent more relevant results from being surfaced.

Whether this campaign will have its desired effect is questionable at best — but it certainly is getting people talking.

You can see the full video below and form your own opinions.

Category News Local Search
SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...