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Google’s Homepage on Mobile Receives a Major Redesign

Google’s Homepage on Mobile Receives a Major Redesign

Google’s homepage on mobile devices now contains a lot more than just a search bar.

The mobile version of Google.com has received its most significant redesign in years, and now more closely resembles the Google Search app.

Google Discover, formerly known as Google Feed, has been placed immediately below the search bar.

This section features content tailored to a user’s personal interests.

Content recommendations are based on data in a user’s Google account, such as web activity, device information, location history, and location settings.

Here’s an example of what it looks like. Bear in mind that content included in these screenshots is tailored to my interests as the logged-in user. What others see will vary from person to person.

At first glance, it looks exactly like the mobile app, but Google Discover in mobile browsers has a couple of unique features.

The most noticeable unique feature is the topic header that appears above stories. Users can tap on the header to view more content about that specific topic.

Users can also choose to ‘follow’ specific topics of interest to them.

Another unique feature is a button on the bottom-right corner of each story, which lets users indicate whether they want to see more or less of that type of story.

Google announced last month that this change was on the way, although it seems to only be available in the US at the moment.

Perhaps a wider rollout is on the way, but Google hasn’t provided any specifics about when and where this will be available.

Those who preferred the look of the old homepage can turn off Google Discover by following these steps:

  • Visit Google.com on a mobile browser
  • Tap the three-dash menu icon
  • Select “Settings”
  • Select “Discover”
  • Select “Don’t show on homepage”
Category News SEO
SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...