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Google’s Matt Cutts Interviewed by Aaron Wall

Google’s Matt Cutts Interviewed by Aaron Wall

Aaron Wall of SEOBook.com got the chance to conduct an interview with Google’s Matt Cutts, Google Search Engineer, about topics ranging from SEO, Spam, SEM, and volleyball. For those of you who have not heard of Matt Cutts, he has more or less become Google’s ambassador to the web publisher world over the past year, leaving the GoogleGuy shell to launch his own blog which deals with various Google and search indexing topics.

Here’s a snippet: Aaron : What is the most evil thing Google has ever done?

Matt : Oy, saving the stinger for the last question, eh? Sneaky, sneaky. 🙂 I don’t agree with every single decision ever made at Google, but I think overall we’ve made good choices for our users and that the world is a better place for Google’s influence. I think the flip side of the “don’t be evil” core value is that people tend to judge Google against ideal behavior instead of against our competition. That can be frustrating sometimes when it feels like we get dinged for something that is not a Google-only issue, but in general it’s good because we have to set a high bar for ourselves. I’m proud of what we’ve done, but I think there’s still room for us to do more as an advocate for our users. Does “needing to do even more for our users” count close enough to evil?

Aaron has been quite busy lately with his interviews, forum threads and running SEOBook.com, however, he’s also found the time to start a new blog about blogging at BlogGoodies.

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Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...