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Google’s Mother’s Day Doodle for 2011

Now, in the first few hours of Mother’s Day, I’m already thinking about my mom – wondering what the plans are for tomorrow (my family informs me about holiday parties with roughly 40 minutes of notice), hoping that the gift I chipped in on with my little sister will bring an appropriate smile to my mother’s face, and wondering if there’s anything else I should do in the several hours between now and when I go to spend time with my family. I’m not the only one thinking of my mother already, though: Google has already posted their Google Doodle for Mother’s Day, 2011.

This year the image is a simple rendition of the Google logo in purple and white, with a purple flower replacing the “L.” As usual, clicking on the image will take you to a SERP (search engine results page) that details the holiday, its purpose, and its traditions. But this isn’t the first time the world has seen this particular Doodle, nor is it anywhere close to the premier of the “flower for Mother’s Day” concept.

This same flower was seen in many countries that celebrated Mother’s Day on May 1st this year, including Portugal and Spain. A variety of other countries that are celebrating the holiday today are now receiving the image, including India, New Zealand, and – of course – the U.S. Meanwhile, the idea of putting a flower in the logo – likely prompted by the 450% increase in searches for flowers as the holiday approached – is essentially tradition for Google. While their 2007 and 2008 Doodles featured crayon pictures and a duck with her ducklings, respectively, all other Mother’s Day Doodles since the year 2000 have focused on the ever-popular flora that are given on this holiday each year.

[via Search Engine Watch]


Category SEO
Rob D Young

Rob has been insatiably obsessed with Google, search engine technology, and the trends of the web-based world since he began ...