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Google’s New Verification Process Lets Users Edit Knowledge Panels

Google’s New Verification Process Lets Users Edit Knowledge Panels

For the first time, Google is now letting individuals and organizations suggest edits to their own Knowledge Panels.

Knowledge Panels provide curated information about people, organizations, sports teams, events, and media properties.

“When you search for well-known people, organizations and things on Google, you’ll often come across a Knowledge Panel on the results page—a box with an overview of key information and links to resources to help you go deeper.”

Information contained in Knowledge Panels is pulled from trusted sources on the web, such as Wikipedia.

Previously, there was no way to control the information that was displayed in a Knowledge Panel.

Since Knowledge Panels are automatically generated, there may end up being discrepancies or inaccuracies in the information that gets displayed.

Now, Google is allowing users to suggest edits to Knowledge Panels after proving that they represent the entity in the Knowledge Panel.

“Individuals and organizations with Knowledge Panels can use our verification process to claim their panels and provide authoritative feedback on the information and images presented. Now we’re updating that process as well as extending verification eligibility to more entities.”

Users can become verified by following the steps below:

  • Search for your name or organization to bring up the Knowledge Panel you wish to edit.
  • Tap on the prompt that reads “Do you manage the online presence of [name of person or organization]?”
  • Prove that you represent the entity by signing into either YouTube, Google+, Search Console, or Twitter.
  • After successfully signing in you are now verified.

Being verified will allow users to suggest factual changes to information in the Knowledge Panel and suggest a featured image.

Category News SEO
SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...