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Google’s SearchMash : Google 2.0

Google’s SearchMash : Google 2.0

After acquiring several related domain names last week, Google has estinguished the rumor flames of their Search Mashup ambitions with the quiet launch of SearchMash.com.

Google’s new Search Sandbox (not to be confused with the other Google Sandbox) for playing with search result toys includes the addition of Ajax URL menus, integrated A9 style image search, and the ability for users to reorder their results.

Here’s a rundown of the features with image captures provided by Google SearchMash:

Auto Cursor in Search Box : No need to click on the search box to begin typing.

URL Menu : Click on the URL of a web site in the SearchMash result and the user is served with Google options for viewing that URL in a new window, in its cache form, more results from that site, or more similar pages.

Image results are served at the right of web search results.

When you click on the number next to a search result you can reorder it via dragging with other results. Google (or SearchMash) says that “This is just for fun right now, but we have some ideas for how to use this.”

More results bar opens up the next set of search results directly on the page.

Again, SearchMash seems quite reminiscent of A9 and the new Live.com in terms of Search Functionality 2.0. One has to wonder if this is the direction that Google is ultimately heading in.

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...