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Guy Kawasaki’s Tips on Silicon Valley Job Interviews

Guy Kawasaki’s Tips on Silicon Valley Job Interviews

Everything I know about Silicon Valley I learned over the past week during a trip to San Jose for Search Engine Strategies, and what I learned is barely the tip of the iceberg. Guy Kawasaki, on the other hand, lives, breathes and eats Silicon Valley and has lent us his expertise on finding a job in the area in his latest blog post; Everything You Wanted to Know About Getting a Job in Silicon Valley But Didn’t Know Who to Ask.

Guy’s advice can be broken down into these basic 15 points in which he promises; “if you use these tips you will stand head and shoulders above most candidates.”

‘Nuff said, here’s a preview:

1. Love what the company does.
2.Create a solid pitch and bring it with you.
3. Know—or better yet—dislike the competition.
4. Expect the funny farm.
5. Show up early.
6. Overdress, or, ask what to wear.
7. Answer the first question, “How are you?” with a great response.
8. Get the scoop from the first interviewer.
9. Think: Plug and play, plug and play, plug and play.
10. Take notes.
11. Confess your sins.
12. Retract your mistakes.
13. Prepare five ways that you think the company could improve.
14. Provide your references on the spot.
15. Tell the interviewer you see a good fit and want the job if this is the truth.

And of course, Guy’s entire post on landing that Valley job interview.

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...