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Holy Resume Batman, Another Jobs Site Launches

Holy Resume Batman, Another Jobs Site Launches

Following the latest wave of job “meta-search” sites (Indeed.com, SimplyHired, etc.), Business.com is launching Work.com after several months in beta.

Calling itself a “premium” jobs site, Work.com’s twist is that employers pay only for those leads (recruits/applicants) that click through to their sites (applicants are sent directly to employer sites to apply). It changes the pricing model from flat-fee to PPC/performance-based.

So that might be a good thing for some employers, but the whole sector is fragmenting on both the advertiser and applicant sides: CareerBuilder, Monster, HotJobs, Indeed, SimplyHired, WorkZoo, Craigslist, Oodle, LinkedIn, Tribe.net . . . And the list keeps growing.

How many sites can I as an applicant search and how many as an employer do I have time to fool around with? Admittedly, all these sites aren’t exactly the same of course. For example, as an employer, I don’t deal directly with meta-search sites such as Oodle, Indeed or SimplyHired.

The proliferation of competitors in a sector tends to reinforce the value of brand and, paradoxically, inertia to a degree—“I’m going to stick with Craigslist ‘cause that’s what I know.”

I don’t blame them—it’s a great URL—but this is crazy-making for everybody.

Greg Sterling is managing editor of The Kelsey Group. He also leads The Kelsey Group’s the Interactive Local Media program, focusing on local search. Greg came to The Kelsey Group from TechTV’s “Working the Web,” the first national television show dedicated to e-business and the Internet.

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Greg Sterling co-founder at Near Media, LLC

Greg Sterling is a leading authority on local digital marketing, location intelligence and the SMB market. He was the VP ...