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Hot Off The Press – Bing Yahoo Rollout Impacting Search

The head of my top agency client’s PPC team came to me this morning to inform me that surprisingly, the daily PPC spend cap they set on a major client had been used up before 10AM, and that he was going to move more money over.  It was a heads-up notification as much as a bounce-back on whether it would be okay given that I’m responsible for the overall client effort.

I immediately thought back to #BlueglassLA when it was announced that they’d be rolling out Organics and PPC in the August/September time-frame. And sure enough, we’re now seeing Bing PPC ads show up for some searches at Yahoo.  And we’re also seeing clients show up organically for phrases that were only assigned to Bing.

For one client, this is huge because they had been banned from Yahoo before we were hired to do their SEO and fully two years of dialogue with the Yahoo team got us nowhere.  For the same content that both Google and Bing had been providing us first page organic results.  All because of an old ban on a site that I ultimately had completely re-written when I took over.  And because the Yahoo organic team never quite got the concept of quality.

So goodbye Yahoo Search.  Hello Increased clicks!

Update: I’ve just contacted our biggest client to find out how they want to handle the shift.  My suggestion was that they should increase their monthly spend with Bing at least long enough to handle any increased clicks but also to then give us time to evaluate the quality of the increased exposure.

Just because more people are seeing their ads and some of those are clicking, it doesn’t mean those are QUALITY clicks.

Update 2: Bing Rep Denies PPC Rollout

We’ve now spoken with our Bing rep and she says that the PPC ads should NOT be showing up at Yahoo yet.  We’ve got a call in to Yahoo and are waiting to hear back.  I also just heard from @patricktigue who confirms seeing the same thing.

Category SEO
Alan Bleiweiss Forensic SEO Consultant at Alan Bleiweiss Consulting

Alan Bleiweiss is a Forensic SEO audit consultant with audit client sites from medium scale to world class enterprise. He ...