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How a Digital Detox Improved My Health & Well-Being

Here's how disconnecting from social media allowed me to take more time for myself and made me realize the importance of self-care.

How a Digital Detox Improved My Health & Well-Being

I’ve always been curious and interested in various aspects of health and well-being.

My interest began as a kid when I experimented with a variety of diets and wellness trends to help improve my digestion and physical well-being.

What I’ve learned through the years, after graduating from college, and joining the workforce, is that diet, exercise, and food alone do not always grant the results we seek.

Beyond eating well, our bodies also require mental and emotional health, to help cope with life’s daily stresses.

To Create Change in Ourselves, We Must Become More Mindful

Whether we want to lose weight or just feel good in our body, we must:

  • Alter our habits.
  • Improve our mentality.
  • Confront our unconscious emotional attachments, fears, and reactions that live within our body.

My life took a big change when I fell into the yoga industry and began teaching yoga and sharing my marketing skills with that community.

I taught at CorePower Yoga for years and led their wellness program that was based on yogic principles and the Ayurvedic science.

Leading people through a three-week program that focused on healthy eating and embodying yoga beyond the asana not only helped me achieve better health, but it also motivated me to share the impact with others.

Doing a detox for over three weeks radically changed my relationship with food and myself.

Even though the program was geared toward mindful eating, I was able to apply the principles to other aspects of my life.

Learning to disconnect from social media, deactivate my Facebook page, and detaching from negative people and socializing all the time, allowed me to take more time for myself and made me realize the importance of self-care.

Our Habits & Behaviors Make or Break Us

We are a combination of our habits, behaviors, choices, and past conditioning.

Too often we get stuck in a busy mindset and create the same routines that can lead to addicting thoughts and behaviors.

I’ve found, trying new things and getting out of my normal comfort zone has led me to grow in positive ways.

Doing a wellness cleanse helped me stop negative behaviors, and let me tune into my body, mind, and self so that I could begin to make choices that really honor me.

Developing peace of mind, learning to meditate, and enjoying the art of eating and relaxing shifted my entire reality.

As I made yoga more of a lifestyle I disconnected from things and thoughts keeping me unhappy and found a new calm, while ditching self-sabotaging behaviors and patterns.

Cutting out sugar and alcohol and doing a food cleanse helped me see where I was overindulging too much and why.

As I developed this relationship with my body, I began to realize the deeper emotions and things I was suppressing.

Instead of escaping through social events, eating my ways through insecurities, or denying my issues, I became more conscious, calm, and developed emotional stability that was the foundation for my health, happiness, and well-being.

As I stopped looking outside for fulfillment, entertainment, and answers, I began to develop a strong internal connection and quit caring about what the world and other people were doing and thinking.

My own happiness improved as I cut out social media, and began sheltering myself to the rigid and fake personas that are often displayed online.

Suddenly I began enjoying more time to myself and looked forward to weekends where I’d have no plans.

I learned to drop into the present moment and truly live each day fully in the now.

I quit worrying, confronted feelings of loneliness, and began putting up strong boundaries the more I said yes to me.

Self-Love & Self-Care Must Be Created Within

Cultivating more self-love with more self-care led me to realize what things and people really matter in my life and support me.

It’s true when you make positive changes and confront your own self-sabotaging patterns, life gets better and we feel better.

As I did more yoga and began meditating daily, I helped my body transform by breathing more and becoming more mindful in everything I do.

Technology has many pros and cons, and a lot of it can create depression and take a toll on our mental health.

Getting off the screens improved my productivity, focus, and mentality.

I stopped holding onto my phone as a security blanket. I quit looking at apps, the news, and what others were doing.

Instead of keeping my head down, I kept it up and walked with confidence and security.

I took new reins to my life and began caring more about me, my goals, my career, my dreams, and my own sense of satisfaction.

When we stop escaping life and filling ourselves with toxic things and time suckers, radical changes happen.

Taking a digital time out taught me to love my body, love myself, and love my own ability to create wellness in every moment.

Rehabbing the relationship I have with me also created a better external reality as well.

Balance & Wellness Is a Longterm Lifestyle

The better I felt, the better life became. Rather than living to survive, I learned to thrive.

I used the new energy I had to dive into my creativity and optimized my life.

I took mindfulness to a whole new level by treating myself better and dealing with the internal stuff that kept me unhappy, depressed, and suffering.

Because I do SEO for a living, I like to say I learned to optimize my life by improving my mind, body, and well-being.

The result was peace of mind, more energy, clarity, positive self-esteem, a sharp focused mind, and more.

I quit sulking and dreaming about how life could be, and began taking action to create the life I want. While friends did fade away, jobs transitioned, and life took some random turns, I grew stronger within myself every step of the way.

Although cleansing, getting rid of stuff, and detoxing is not fun or easy, it’s powerful, and it can help us get out of our ruts, addictions, and insanity.

After all, if we do the same thing every day, we can never expect new results or life to change.

Cutting the cords with those things and people and foods and gadgets that limit us can be challenging.

However, it’s pretty amazing to wake up feeling motivated, inspired, and alive. Overall I’ve become happier, peaceful, and more energized.

I’ve found doing a cleanse or detox really gives you a new perspective about yourself and life, that helps you create positive changes.

I feel better when I’m able to create a life I don’t need to escape or disconnect from.

For me, that happens by pursuing my passions and creating healthy habits so I can live with vitality, optimism, and creativity daily.

Living a balanced lifestyle has helped me cultivate well-being and allowed me to feel more radiant and inspired to create the best life possible.

More Resources:

Featured Image Credit: Paulo Bobita

Category Friday Focus
Kali Bliss SEO Strategist at AKQA

Kali Bliss is a digital marketing seo strategist who loves to use science, art, and technology to make an impact ...