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How To Create A Great Infographic: Interview With Danny Ashton At #Pubcon 2013

How To Create A Great Infographic: Interview With Danny Ashton At #Pubcon 2013

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In an interview conducted at Pubcon 2013 in Las Vegas, Danny Ashton of NeoMam discusses the latest trends in infographics and how to create great ones that people will want to share on their site.

Danny comes from an SEO background, having worked for a number of large agencies before setting up the infographic design agency NeoMam.

He knows what it takes to create quality infographics people love and want to share on social media. Hear some of his advice in the video below:

Here are some key takeaways from the video:

  • Infographics have moved away from a time when just any infographic would be considered good enough to get shared. Now infographics have to be of a certain level of quality in order to get placement on high authority sites.
  • There are fewer agencies creating infographics these days, but the ones who still are produce great quality content.
  • The future of infographics will see agencies heavily investing in HTML5, as well as a shift towards infographics that provide practical value.
  • Smaller, more useful infographics are the ones still getting shared on social media.
  • On the agency side, Danny says there is still a huge demand for infographics from clients.
  • Danny says the number one most important thing with infographics is not the design or the research, it’s the idea. If you spend more time thinking of a great idea you can save money on everything else that goes into it.
  • A great idea includes a trigger, an emotional hook, and practical value. If your idea has these things, Danny says it will make a great infographic.

If you have any questions after watching the video, for either myself or Danny, ask them in the comments section and we will do our best to respond to everyone! Please visit SEJ’s YouTube page for more video interviews from Pubcon 2013.

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