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How to Make Your Holiday Marketing & Digital PR Innovative & Newsworthy [Podcast]


Anyone can do Digital PR, but it takes a little finesse and strategy to do it successfully. In this episode of the Search Engine Journal Show, Mark Rofe, owner of ChristmasTrees.co.uk and various other ventures, joins Loren Baker to discuss his innovative and newsworthy personal branding, link building and digital PR success.

Mark has been involved in a few adventurous and notable projects over the years including launching a billboard to find a date, DateMark.co.uk, and selling Christmas Trees online during the pandemic.

He shares how he comes up with his ideas and how to use SEO and PR to launch a successful brand. Join us to learn how to get coverage during the holidays using Digital PR and social engagement, plus the challenges of launching an ecommerce Christmas tree shop, and how to do digital PR yourself, successfully!

[0:01] Introduction
[1:51] Mark’s background and how he got started in Digital PR
[3:50] Launching Edit My Ex website which removes exes from photos
[6:01] Mark’s dating billboard that went insanely viral
[9:49] Social media engagement for the billboard really helped it go viral
[11:48] The response to datingmark.co.uk, including an offer of a TV dating show
[15:41] Acquiring clients or interest from a case study style perspective
[20:39] Background and start up of ChristmasTrees.Co.Uk without a tree farm
[22:53] Selling Christmas Trees online in a pandemic
[25:09] The experience of launching an e-commerce store
[27:10] Building an audience from scratch
[31:50] What SEOs can learn from the world of Digital PR
[34:01] How the coverage and relationships helped with other projects
[36:59] Challenges of Launching a Christmas Tree Website
[38:56] Seasonality considerations and what Mark learned during his campaign
[40:43] The importance of focus as opposed to working on multiple things at once


“If you want to look like you’re good at marketing, just buy a billboard.” – Mark Rofe

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Follow Mark Rofe:

Mark’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamrofe

Mark’s LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/rofe

Mark’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamrofe/?hl=en


Category SEJ Show
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Brent Csutoras is the founder of OGS Media, co-founder of DirtyBoots, and Managing Partner at Search Engine Journal. He helps ...