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Internet Marketing Interviews Galore

Internet Marketing Interviews Galore

Some of the best tips, tricks, strategies, and tactics on the Web come from experts giving away great information in interviews. It is far more likely that an Internet marketing expert is going to give up some of their coveted information in an interview rather than a written blog post.

If you’ve ever been to an Internet marketing conference before then you’ll know that the most knowledge you’ll obtain is talking with and listening to the industry leaders over hearing their rudimentary 10-minute panel presentation.

With that said, I’d like to provide resources to some of the best interviews in the Internet marketing industry in relation to SEO, social media, conversion rate optimization, PR, and more.

Interview mic


Online Marketing Heroes is a great book with interviews from 25 of some of the best Internet marketing experts in the industry.

Web 2.0 Heroes interviews thought leaders on the Web 2.0. With Web 2.0, organizations, marketers, application developers, and communicators must be ready to respond and to innovate or be left behind, and the experts featured in this book are leading the charge.

Conversations with Marketing Masters

offers new insights by gathering the collected wisdom of the most influential marketing thinkers of our age, each of whom has given a structured interview. Covering a wide range of issues and illustrating concepts with cases of success and failure, these seminal dialogues offer a rare look at what made each master great – and a glimpse of the marketing future.


  • Social Marketing Interviews – Brian Carter interviews leading social media marketing gurus.
  • WebMarketingToday – Videos on Ecommerce and Internet Marketing
  • Search Engine Strategies (SES) YouTube Channel – Interviews with SES speakers and experts.
  • WebProNews – RSS feed of their interviews from speakers at every major Internet marketing conference.


  • WebMasterRadio.FM – Podcast interviews with various Internet marketing industry leaders and topics.
  • YourSEOMentor – Monday interviews. Garrett Pierson didn’t keep up with these every Monday but there’s still some oldies but goodies in there.


  • Ruud Hein of Search Engine People – Ruud frequently questions gurus from around the Internet marketing sphere. With an advanced Google query you can find all of them here.
  • AimClear – Marty Weintraub and his crew host their interviews here.
  • Eric Enge – Some of the best interviews I’ve read have come from Eric Enge at Stone Temple. His most recent interview is here and you can click through all the other interviews on the right-hand sidebar.
  • WordStream – Their interview series sheds light on multiple aspects of Internet marketing.
  • Gab Goldenberg – Gab has his own category of interviews on his site, SEO ROI.
  • SEOmoz – A site search on SEOmoz shows some of the most in-depth interviews around.
  • Search Engine Land – Make no mistake that if there’s someone good to interview, SEL has the connections to get a good one from them.

Final Thoughts

These great tidbits usually come with weeding through a lot of fluff and small talk within the conversation though. I’d say it’s worth it to get at least one good takeaway from the conversation.

Category SEO
Jordan Kasteler Digital Marketing Consultant at Jordan Kasteler

Jordan Kasteler is the SEO Director of Hennessey Consulting. His work experience ranges from co-founding BlueGlass Interactive, in-house SEO at ...