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Japanese Companies Build Google Android… Android

It’s a frightening world, filled with natural disasters, economic struggles, and — of course — deadly robots.  It’s quite a wonder, then, that people keep making these robots. One of the most recent, though, is of special note. Two companies in Japan (RT Corporation and Brilliant Service) have created a “several-foot-tall” robot that looks just like the Android mascot. More importantly?  It’s being run off the Android OS.

According to the post over at the Android Community, the robotic creature is nearly four feet tall, weights in at 31 pounds, and can move around with surprising fluidity (the controller of the robot can manipulate 10 different points on the robot, including the mouth, head, arms, legs, and more). That makes this robot an impressive specimen even among its kind, in part because it can accomplish that rare task of moving over uneven terrain.

The inventing companies have some clever (if somewhat frightening) ideas for how the robot may be used. One of their thoughts is that robots like this could be used as a virtual classroom monitor to keep track of students while the teacher is out. Another concept is the idea of having the robot integrated with a family where it would then take video of the actions and interactions of the group (leading to a sort of “life blogging” video experience).

Of course, this is just one step closer to the era when robots take over the world (with other support coming from the robot who’s better than you at Jeopardy). It may be time for an Old Glory robot insurance policy, preparing for the time “when the metal ones decide to come for you. And they will.” But at least with this Japanese invention, you would have the pleasure of being destroyed by a metallic creature as adorable as the Android mascot.

Category SEO
Rob D Young

Rob has been insatiably obsessed with Google, search engine technology, and the trends of the web-based world since he began ...