June was a busy month in the social media world!
Numerous updates rolled out for advertisers across various social networks, and Snapchat outgrew Twitter in terms of daily active users.
Learn about these updates and more in this month’s social roundup:
Facebook announced a few new Facebook Live features. The platform will allow for two-person broadcasts (meaning two people in different locations will be able to broadcast at the same time). Also, users will be able to pre-schedule their broadcasts and have a virtual waiting room for attendees.
Learn More: News: New FB Live Features
The Facebook Like has a new look. The Like button, which is embedded on millions of web pages, is getting the “f” out and replacing it with the familiar thumbs up icon. The Like count will appear within the new blue button.
Learn More: Facebook Redesigns Like Button
Facebook will soon alter the way its 1.65 billion users discover stories in their News Feed. The social network will give preference to updates from friends and family over brands.
Learn More: Facebook News Feed Change: Goodbye, Publishers
Facebook is set to launch its own version of store visit conversions in its Ads Reporting tool. This will give Facebook advertisers the opportunity to analyze and optimize their creative, targeting, and ad spend.
Learn More: Facebook Gives Advertisers 3 New Powerful Tools
Instagram’s user-base has surged to 500 million active monthly users. Sixty percent of Instagram’s users, or an incredible 300 million people, now use the app every day.
Learn More: How Many Users Instagram Has Now: 500 Million
Pinterest is upping its ecommerce game and wants to become the go-to social shopping platform. They introduced four new shopping features to help businesses boost their online sales.
Learn More: Pinterest Adds 4 New Features To Boost Sales
Pinterest advertising is about to get some much-needed features that have been available on Google, Facebook, and Twitter for quite some time: customer list targeting, visitor retargeting, and lookalike targeting.
Learn More: You Now Have 3 New Ways to Target Pinterest Users
According to Bloomberg News, 150 million people use Snapchat each day, which surpasses Twitter’s average of 136 million active daily users.
Learn More: #Snapchat Out Grows Twitter
In a bid to increase revenues, Snapchat now with more than 150 million daily active users, has revealed new details about how brands can advertise on the platform heading forward.
Learn More: Snapchat Adds Snap Ads Between Stories, Ads API
Twitter announced a new feature called ‘Stickers’ which are essentially a mash-up of hashtags, emoticons, and Snapchat filters all in one easy-to-use photo feature.
Learn More: Twitter Announces Searchable #Stickers: Are They The New Hashtag?
With the launch of a new desktop and iOS app called Dashboard, Twitter is trying to help busy SMBs engage with their current customers and reach new customers.
Learn More: Twitter Launches App To Get SMBs Tweeting More
YouTube announced it will be adding live streaming capabilities to the company’s mobile app. At first, the feature will be reserved for select YouTubers, but a wider release is expected to be coming in the future.
Learn More: Live Streaming Coming to YouTube’s Mobile App
Just as you have 140 characters per tweet, you can now share videos up to 140 seconds in length on Twitter.
Learn More: Twitter Increases Video Length to 140 Seconds
If your audience uses emojis, and you want to target those users with Twitter campaigns, now you can. Emoji keyword targeting is coming to Twitter Ads.
Learn More: Twitter Ads Now Allows Emoji Targeting
All image via their corresponding posts. Featured image via Paulo Bobita.