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LinkedIn Adds New Features To Help Companies Attract Talent

LinkedIn is updating company pages with new features that are designed to help businesses attract and keep top talent.

LinkedIn Adds New Features To Help Companies Attract Talent

LinkedIn is adding new features to company pages to improve internal communication, attract new talent, and gain insight on competitors.

We’re in the most competitive hiring market on record.

What others are calling The Great Resignation, LinkedIn prefers to The Great Reshuffle because of the opportunities to make positive career changes.

As workers seek new and better jobs, businesses have to communicate to prospective employees that they’re the right company to work for.

Moreover, businesses should be striving to create stronger connections with employees to keep them around long-term.

Here’s how LinkedIn’s new features for company pages will help businesses achieve those goals.

New Features For LinkedIn Pages

Updates To ‘My Company’ Tab

LinkedIn is updating the My Company tab with new ways to keep employees engaged and informed with what’s going on internally.

The My Company tab is a space within LinkedIn pages that’s exclusively for employees. Businesses can utilize this space to grow their employee community and advocacy efforts.

Updates rolling out in the coming weeks will allow businesses to:

  • Curate content from your Page feed to the My Company Tab with the simple click of a button.
  • Notify employees as soon as new content is curated and encourage them to re-share it.
  • Show employees how their re-share matters, with a dynamic visualization of the content that others at the organization are sharing.

LinkedIn has previously noted how employees are more likely to engage with content and share it when it’s from their own company:

“Internal LinkedIn research shows that employees are 60% more likely to engage with posts from coworkers vs. non-coworkers, and 14x more likely to share their organization’s Page content vs. other brands’ content.”

The “My Company” tab is available to pages with more than 201 employees, which is determined by the “company size” attribute.

In addition to the new features being added, the My Company tab includes:

  • Highlights of employee milestones (promotions, anniversaries, new hires, etc.)
  • Trending content from coworkers.
  • Recommendations to connect with people you may know at your company.
  • An analytics section to help measure the impact on content engagement and reach.

Openly Share Your Workplace Policies

Job seekers in today’s market aren’t choosing their next position based on salary and benefits alone. They also care about workplace policies.

For example, employees who are satisfied with their organization’s flexibility on work schedules or location are:

  • 3.4x more likely to balance work and personal obligations
  • 2.6x more likely to be happy working for their employer
  • 2.1x more likely to recommend working for their employer

Being transparent about these employees from day one can help attract top talent.

A new feature for LinkedIn Pages allows businesses to communicate their policies on remote working, vaccines, pay adjustments, and more.

Policies are displayed right in the LinkedIn Page header, making it one of the first things people will see when looking up your company.

See How Your Page Compares To Competitors

LinkedIn has added customizable competitor analytics to the Analytics tab, which allows you to add up to nine competitors to benchmark their LinkedIn Page performance.

With this feature you can track how many followers your competitors have and how the performance of their content compares with yours.

linkedin pages featuresScreenshot from www.linkedin.com/business/marketing/blog, October 2021.

Soon LinkedIn will add even more metrics, such as engagement rate.

Source: LinkedIn Marketing Blog

Featured Image: Bangkok Click Studio/Shutterstock

Category News LinkedIn
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Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...