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Lions and Tigers and Emails – Oh My!

Lions and Tigers and Emails – Oh My!

What do you think are the most visited sites on the Internet today?

If you said Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo and YouTube, you would be absolutely correct. However, there is one very important site that you visit more than any other site – that site is your email inbox! Research shows almost 50% of internet users check their email account(s) MORE than 5 times a day.

Description: Overwhelmed.jpgHow many emails do you think you get daily? What about those of us who have more than one email address? We are receiving on a daily basis such an enormous number of emails that at times it is difficult to actually get through to all of them. Haven’t you ever mistakenly deleted an email that you actually wanted to or needed to read – totally by accident? This isn’t very difficult to do when you are trying to get through what could easily amount to hundreds of emails per day.

Now put yourself on the other end of this equation as the sender rather the recipient of an email. Knowing that your email message is mixed in with TONS of other emails, what can you do to be sure your email doesn’t get lost in the black hole of someone’s inbox? The answer is quite simple – make sure your email is unique and compelling enough to stand out from all the others. How can you do that?

Introducing Video Emails…

Video is changing the way people and businesses communicate today.

“In a 2008 Interactive Marketing study, Forrester Research predicted a compound annual growth rate of 72% of the use of online video through the year 2012 – the most robust of all interactive investments. Online video is expected to grow significantly more than search engine marketing, display ads, and email marketing”

There is no question about the popularity of video. YouTube is the second-largest search engine and the third most-visited website. Video is by far the fastest growing media platform in the history of the Internet.

People Remember:

  • 10% of what they Read
  • 20% of what they Hear
  • 30% of what they See
  • But 50% of what they Read, Hear, AND See!

People prefer to watch rather than read so why not give them what they want? Video involves more senses and adds a personal touch to your message. It can be entertaining, informative and unique. Using videos in your email marketing campaigns adds power to your message and increases the chances of your message being “heard”.

Today’s consumer is different than the consumers of yesterday. Today consumers want to be involved with and engage with brands before making a purchase decision. This trend towards video email is still in the early stages so by your using this technology to brand your company, you are helping to establish yourself as your industry’s expert. By adding that personal touch to your emails (people like to do business with people they know- watch Don’t Underestimate the Power of Relationships) you are letting your potential customers get to know you. And don’t forget that the search engines love video!

Now is the time to start using video emails as part of your overall marketing strategy. The investment is minimal and the rewards are great. Are you taking advantage of the power of video email in you marketing?

There are numerous free and paid sites where you can create video emails but remember, not all video emails are created equal. What if you could customize and brand your video emails with YOUR logo, images, hyperlinks and banners? What if you could simply create and easily send these emails that included a full color ‘snapshot’ of your webpage right in the body of the email? Well, now you can.

Introducing MyVideoTalk…

MyVideoTalk video emails combine the power of television advertising with the ease of emails. These emails are totally customizable by allowing you to upload your own banner that can be linked to any website; upload any image and link to the web page of your choice; use custom colors for the frame, borders, and background with your choice of fonts, colors and formatting options for the text area. Does this sound too good to be true? Well it isn’t. It IS true!

With the use of MyVideoTalk’s video emails, you will increase the impact of your message significantly.

If you have a special promotion, a new product, or any other news you want to relay to either your current or potential customers/clients, send them a video email with this announcement in it. Look at the video emails as a “website in a box”. With your customized header banner and image hyperlinked to any URL you choose, you have added tremendous value and functionality to the traditional email.

You can see for yourself the power of MyVideoTalk’s video emails by clicking on the images below.

DISCLAIMER: MyVideoTalk is in pre-launch in the US which is a great time to get involved. However, it is also the time that the company uses to make sure all their ducks are in a row before launching. At this time, there is a 1000 limit to the number of times a video email can be viewed. This limit will be completely removed at launch in February 2011. Read Video Email TEMPORARY Limitations Explained or further explanation.

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Category SEO
Julie Weishaar Small Business Outsourced Marketing

Julie Weishaar is a creative and highly qualified Marketing professional with a broad-based background encompassing exceptional work ethic, proven creative ...