Local.com Serves Up Restaurant.com Dining Ratings & Reviews
Local.com has entered into a partnership with Restaurant.com to use Restaurant.com ratings & reviews of over 7,000 restaurants in the Local.com search results. It’s good to see such high profile niche sites and domain names getting together.
When Local.com users search for restaurants in their neighborhoods, selected Restaurant.com listings will be displayed that contain detailed restaurant information such as reviews, locale and driving directions, cuisine type, signature dish and menu items, decor description, hours of operation, price ranges and more.
Restaurant.com also offers dining certificates to Local.com users to assist restaurant owners with business generation. Restaurant.com regularly incorporates new information on 200 to 300 restaurants in their national dining network every month.
“We’re pleased to partner with Restaurant.com because the information and services they offer make it easier for our users to connect with targeted restaurants in their local areas, and at the same time provide Restaurant.com’s restaurant partners with access to new customers nationwide,” said Peter Hutto, Interchange vice president of business development and sales. “This content partnership with Restaurant.com builds on our strategy of providing Local.com users with the best local content on the Web in key vertical segments.”