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March 18 SEO Meetup at AirBnB’s HQ In San Francisco: “Future Proof” SEO

March 18 SEO Meetup at AirBnB’s HQ In San Francisco: “Future Proof” SEO

On Tuesday, March 18, ItsTheROI.com will be hosting a meetup at Airbnb’s headquarters in San Francisco. The event will be focused on future proof SEO and online marketing strategies.

Jonah Stein, Founder of ItsTheROI.com, is an 18 year online marketing veteran and optimization expert. During his career, Jonah has seen online marketing dominated by short term tactics that fit neatly into spreadsheets to emphasize metrics that looks nice in annual reports and help drive employee bonuses.

The problem with that approach is users don’t care about your metrics and bonuses. Their search intent is largely determined before they arrive on your site. Jonah’s philosophy is once you stop managing against arbitrary goals created to “measure performance” and start focusing on optimizing for intent you can start creating loyal, engaged users.

If you’re ready to stop chasing the algorithm, metrics, and tactics of the day then you can’t miss this meetup. By the end of the evening you’ll be ready to start building a strategy rooted in reaching, engaging, and delighting your audience.

Dinner/Drinks start at 6:00PM and the presentation begins at 7:00PM. Go here to RSVP and reserve your spot

A Look Inside Airbnb Headquarters

If you haven’t had the opportunity to see the inside of Airbnb’s headquarters in San Francisco, don’t miss out.

Here’s a preview:

Category Careers
SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...