In a tweet that went out yesterday from Matt Cutts asked users to report/let Google know about sites that you think should be doing much better in the SERPS. Particularly smaller sites that don’t show up as much in the search results.
Looks like this is aimed at sites that aren’t ranking as well in the SERPS and how Google can better adjust their algorithm to account for these smaller site to get them to rank better. (personal speculation) I also think that Google is REALLY trying to up it’s game in general, analyzing everything from bigger sites to these newer/smaller sites that aren’t ranking as well in the search results but really should be. I totally think it’s a step in the right direction and will really help them to stand out in the search engine wars.
Here is Cutts tweet:
If there’s a small website that you think should be doing better in Google, tell us more here:
— Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) August 28, 2013
Report all sites that you think should be ranking better in the SERPS to:
What do you think of this? Is this a step in the right direction?