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Matt Cutts States Sites on IPv4 & IPv6 Won’t Be Duplicate Content

Matt Cutts States Sites on IPv4 & IPv6 Won’t Be Duplicate Content

Matt Cutts States Sites on IPv4 & IPv6 Won’t Be Duplicate Content

In a new Google Webmaster Help YouTube video published today, Matt Cutt answers a question from a user regarding IPv4 and IPv6. IPv4 is the current format of an IP address; something like 393.93.295.382. The IPv6 addresses were introduced to deal with the upcoming lack of available IPv4 numbers. An IPv6 number will look something like this: 2001:0db8:85a3:0042:1000:8a2e:0370:7334, but multiple zeroes can be omitted (2001:0db8:85a3:0042:0000:0000:0000:0000 to 2001:0db8:85a3:0042::).

The user wanted to know whether or not the same site on both versions of IP will be considered duplication content.

Cutts stated:

“No, it won’t be considered duplicate content…you’re basically serving up the same content, but don’t worry about being tagged with duplicate content. It’s similar to serving up content at .com and .pl sites.”

World Launch Day for IPv6 was June 6, 2012, but many websites haven’t yet transitioned into the new format. To test your IPv6 connectivity, check out Test-ipv6.com and to find out what your current IP address is, try whatismyip.com.

View the entire video here:

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Kelsey Jones Marketing Consultant, Owner at Six Stories & StoryShout

Kelsey Jones is a marketing consultant, writer, and owner of SixStories.com and StoryShoutNews.com. Kelsey has been in digital marketing since ...