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Microsoft and Yahoo Eye Time Warner’s AOL

We interrupt our regular coverage of the ongoing Yahoo-Microsoft tussle to focus on what could possibly be both companies’ fall back options. It seems like the focus of attention now is the acquisition of  Time Warner’s AOL property.

Reports say that both Microsoft and Yahoo are eyeing a deal with Time Warner on two different merger options and both are rushing to get a good deal before the Yahoo shareholders’ meeting.

Yahoo was reportedly eyeing a merger of AOL with Yahoo properties which would grant Time Warner a minority stake in the merged companies. While Microsoft is eyeing to acquire AOL’s properties.

Both companies’ intention with AOL are both justifiable and viable. Microsoft can leverage on AOL’s internet estate and increase its stake in the internet marketplace. With the hopes of possibly getting a piece of Google’s share of the market. While for Yahoo, the intent is plain and simple – it needs to prove to Microsoft, Icahn and to the Yahoo shareholders that they don’t need Microsoft. And Yahoo desperately needs an anchor to hold on to in order to stay in the game. Having one hand anchored on Google is not enough, the other hand must have someone to hold on to as well.

As for AOL, either deal would be both beneficial to them. It’s just a matter of whose going to offer a better deal. And with their current market standing, it seems Microsoft would be able to come with something better to offer.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...