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Mind-Blowing List Building Tip #3

Before we dive into the 3rd tip, make sure you check out the first two tips in this 4 part series.

Ming-Blowing Tip #3

OK, this tip is a GOLDMINE for anyone who is trying to build a list in the Internet Marketing niche. It’s going to cost you $40, but it is well worth it and it will deliver. What if I said that there is a place on the web where their are around 1,500-2,500 Internet Marketers at any given time that are ACTIVELY searching for products and content to download or buy? Wouldn’t you want to get in front of them?

The place…Warrior Forum

This is the most active IM forum out there and there are thousands upon thousands of users on at any given time. If you are new to this forum, there are lots of sub-categories within the Warrior Forum, where community members can discuss a wide variety of topics, as well as find product/services from other Warriors.

The sub-category I am talking about is the Warrior Special Offers Forum also know as WSO. This particular part of the forum is where people can post products/services they are either giving away for free or at a special discount to Warrior members. The down fall is you need to pay $40 to get your post listed in the section, but the upside is far greater.

If you go to the forum right now, you will probably notice a few thousand people currently in that section (depending on the time of the day).

What I recommend is create a landing page for a free piece of killer content that you can give away, then run a WSO (Warrior Special Offer). While your post is on the 1st page of that section, you can expect to see a lot of subscribers requesting your content. Another quick tip – If you are trying to build a list of “buyers”, try offering your content away for a few bucks. This way you can weed out all of the people who are only looking for freebies.

* Quick WSO Tip: You can also do what is called “Bumping” your content back to the top of the 1st page in this category for another $40 if you choose. You can usually expect another flow of sales or subscribers if you do this.

You can also apply this same concept for product launches and make a lot of money from launching a WSO.

BTW, just like Safe Swaps, the Warrior Forum has a section for people looking for Ad Swaps. It doesn’t have all of the bells and whistles of Safe Swaps, but it is free and can be a great place to start.

“List Eruption” WordPress Plugin – SEJ Exclusive Discount

Today is the launch of my “List Eruption” WordPress plugin. List Eruption is a plugin that has been proven to increase your e-mail list by over 257%. I am offering SEJ readers a significant discount on the tool, so make sure you check it out (live at 10am EST)!

Category SEO
Mark Thompson Co-Founder at PayKickstart

Mark is co-founder of PayKickstart, a Shopping Cart and Affiliate Management solution, empowering online Entrepreneurs and digital publishers with the ...