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MIVA Unveils MIVA Monetization Center

MIVA, who is better known as one of the larger 2nd tier PPC search marketing networks unveiled at their headquarter in New York City yesterday their new service for publishers and webmasters, the MIVA Monetization Center.

The Service consists actually of three individual services that offer webmasters and publisher a number of alternatives to monetize their website. The individual services available through the MIVA Monetization Center are:

  1. Content Ads
  2. MIVA InLine Ads
  3. Search Ads

Content Ads is a service similar to AdSense from Google or the Publisher Network from Yahoo! but also publishers to improve on the results by specifying relevant keywords to support MIVA in finding Ads that fit the content. This option is not available in Google’s or Yahoo’s service which rely to 100% on the page content for the determination of relevant Ads without the publishers ability to guide the services directly.

MIVA InLine Ads appear within the publishers content in form of hyperlinked keywords. When MIVA detects a relevant Keyword or Phrase in the publishers content, the phrase will be replaced by a link to an Advertiser and appear if the user hovers with the mouse over the text with the InLine Ads. Publishers can specify on a per page basis if they would like to use the Ads or not.

Search Ads are Ads that are 100% keyword triggered and are meant to be added into on-site search result pages as supplement to the search results returned for a users search query.

Publishers with multiple sites can maintain all of their sites from a single interface, pick and choose from the three services as they see fit and appropriate. For people that already experimented with services like AdSense, especially bloggers, this might be something worth trying out to monetize your Blog. How good the Content Ads system is by itself to determine which Ads are relevant remains to be seen. It is good to know that you have at least the ability to tweak the results my hand a little, if it is completely off, but for a long term success will it be important that the need for manual tweaking of the results will only become the exception and not the norm.

The Service is only available to publishers in the United States and United Kingdom at the moment.

Carsten Cumbrowski
Internet Marketer and Entrepreneur.

Carsten Cumbrowski

Carsten Cumbrowski has years of experience in Affiliate Marketing and knows both sides of the business as the Affiliate and ...