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MTV Latest to Deliver TV Content Online

MTV Latest to Deliver TV Content Online

Everybody’s doing it. Call it iTV or TV2Web, not to be confused with IPTV. MTV will lauch a new Web channel called “Overdrive.” The new channel will offer a variety of programming and video-on-demand content. This is just the latest example of TV programming moving online and an effort by MTV to follow its youthful audience into cyberspace.

Mediapost Reports: MTV plans debut a Web-based video content channel, “MTV Overdrive,” by April 25, the company announced Wednesday. The service–offered to the press to test yesterday–gives users with high-speed Web connections the option to either pick and choose from a range of MTV’s news and interviews, music and music videos, and reality shows, or sit back and let Overdrive pick for them.

Overdrive is built around six main channels: The Lineup, where MTV can display its choicest offerings; News; Music; On TV; and Movies, which offers a list of movie trailers. Jason Hirschhorn, senior vice president of digital music and media at MTV Networks, said he expected the service to offer at least 50 to 70 clips every 10 days for the news section alone. The average running time for each video clip is two to six minutes.

We’re going to explore the dynamics of Web-TV convergence, IPTV and the implications for advertisers and consumers on Day 2 of Drilling Down on Local:

Blurring the Picture: Cable TV, Video Search and Local Directional Media – Video on demand, digital video recorders and Internet TV: All these innovations give viewers more and more control over TV content and, potentially, TV advertising. Do these consumer-oriented developments fundamentally transform TV from the once-preeminent branding vehicle for national advertisers into a directional medium with localization potential? What are the implications for cable companies, telecom companies, online publishers, consumers and local advertisers? And what about the proliferation of online video search? Will the Internet become a de facto broadcast medium and search engines the new networks?

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