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Multilingual Search Blog Covers International Search

Multilingual Search Blog Covers International Search

We missed this announcement earlier in the month and feel that this search blog is deserve its due. Multilingual Search is an International Search Blog launched by Andy Atkins-Krüger in beta in April and has since built a team of editors around the world covering Europe and Asia. Multilingual Search is now out of beta and reporting daily on stories about the world’s leading and emerging regional search engines. The blog is already featuring original interviews with key search executives from Yandex of Russia, Seekport of Germany and Eniro from Sweden as well as with Ask Jeeves on their European expansion plans.

“We felt there was a gap in the information available to search marketers who are targeting the non-English speaking world in particular. Very quickly we discovered there was a lot going on which was under-reported. Using local search marketers – we can get the news worldwide as it happens. The blog user can choose to view posts by country which is something marketers asked us for to facilitate their planning and research efforts.” Explains Andy Atkins-Krüger.

One interesting feature is that the blog offers not only the usual RSS 2 and Atom feeds – but country by country feeds for those with a particular geographic focus in mind.

The United Nations of editors and bloggers include AussieWebmaster (webmaster world moderator Rasmus Sorensen), Alan Webb who runs the leading German search forum and blog ‘Abakus’, Nikos Kapsomenakis who is covering Greek search engines, Georgi Georgiev of Bulgaria, Matt Fong who is covering Asian search, Sante Achille of Italia, Nick Wilsdon, Marina Zaliznyak who is covering just about everywhere with a perhaps accidental emphasis on wine producing countries, and everyone’s favorite Latin American search expert Nacho Hernandez.

SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...