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Navigating Publisher Policies: Insights From Google’s Trust & Safety Expert With John Brown


In this must-listen episode, join us for a sit-down with John Brown from Google’s Trust & Safety team. With his rich background in building ad networks and more, John offers exclusive insights into Google’s efforts to educate publishers globally.

Discover critical differences between publisher policies and demand restrictions, explore the evolving role of UGC, and learn about Google’s initiatives to support publishers.

As you navigate the complexities of policy compliance, you won’t want to miss John’s expert perspective, honed through years of leadership and mentorship in this realm.

We don’t want to misinform folks or trick folks or anything like that. We provide clear narratives around the policies, why do we create it? Where does it fit within the ecosystem? – John Brown 03:46

Really, it’s the ease of use for the user because everything that’s in the website, or mostly everything that’s in the website without some editorializing, it is things that could be found elsewhere on external Google pages. – John Brown, 08:01

That was the number one concern going into this is not just to launch and then leave alone, but to launch and iterate and make sure it’s fresh. – John Brown, 09:44

I learned early on at Google, traveling globally and speaking on stage globally, that different users across the world consume information differently. So we can’t just have a help center with text and localize it and hope that people understand. – John Brown, 13:30

[00:00] – Introduction to John Brown, Google’s Policy Transparency Lead.
[01:57] – Significance of John Brown’s role in ecosystem health.
[02:45] – Overview of transparency.google’s key features.
[09:44] – Keeping transparency.google current in the digital landscape.
[23:02] – Google’s Fair Policy Appeals process: Google highlights fairness and transparency in the policy appeal process.
[37:28] – Google’s dedication to a mission-driven nature of trust and safety teams.

Resources Mentioned:

Make sure you meet people who need the information, and give them the information that they want to consume in their format that they most prefer. – John Brown, 16:29

There’s a dedication there. There’s a mission that you probably don’t find in other parts of organizations just because other teams, not just within Google, but elsewhere. It’s quarter to quarter revenue, things like that, trust and safety. – John Brown, 37:28

Connect with John Brown:

John is part of the Trust & Safety team at Google, and leads a team that is focused on educate publisher partners globally on policies, enforcement actions, and best practices to remain policy compliant.

Prior to Google, John built two Ad Networks, has served on two IAB working groups, managed qualitative data for over 90 ad networks, and has mentored dozens of startups through his Techstars accelerator affiliation.

Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jbrown74/

Connect with Amanda Zantal-Wiener:

Follow her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Amanda_ZW
Connect with her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandazantalwiener/

Amanda Zantal-Wiener Former Editor-In-Chief at Search Engine Journal

Amanda is a writer, editor, marketer, and “Golden Girls” superfan. Joining SEJ from HubSpot, her byline has appeared in Thrillist, ...