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New Conversion Actions in Google Ads & This Week’s Digital Marketing News [PODCAST]

New Conversion Actions in Google Ads & This Week’s Digital Marketing News [PODCAST]

On the latest episode of Marketing O’Clock, Jess Budde, Greg Finn, and Christine “Shep” Zirnheld are talking presidential meme campaigns, Valentine’s Day faux pas, and the creepy ransom notes some publishers are receiving.

And yes, we’re still upset about the new Google Partners requirements.

New Conversion Actions in Google Ads

The more granular conversion actions allow advertisers to track “microconversions” for leads and sales separately from other conversions.

Shep tells you what the new conversion actions are and how to use them.

Facebook Introduces Hobbi from Facebook

Jess tells you about the new app that’s eerily similar to another popular social network.

Facebook Creator Studio App

The mobile version of Facebook’s Creator Studio launched this week. Creators will be able to upload and edit posts and get performance insights on-the-go.

Google Ads Continuous Audience Sharing

Manager accounts will be able to share audience lists between their sub-accounts.

This week’s take of the week comes to us Thea Neal, who’s calling out your clients (yes, yours!).

Then, we answer your digital marketing questions during our lightning round segment

  • Who is proposing a U.S. data protection agency?
  • What is the latest on the new Google Partners requirements?
  • When is it acceptable to retweet yourself?
  • Where can you get recommendations from Microsoft Advertising?
  • Why is Hitwise closing up shop?
  • How can you be notified when your Google My Business review is removed?

Like what you heard? Head over to the Marketing O’Clock site to subscribe!

Thank you to our sponsors!

  • Ahrefs – An all-in-one SEO toolset that gives you the tools you need to rank your website in Google and get tons of search traffic.
  • Opteo – Helps Google Ads managers automate time-consuming manual tasks so they can spend more time on high-level strategy and creative work.

Image Credits

Featured Image: Samantha Hanson, Cypress North

Category News SEJ Network
Christine Zirnheld Digital Marketer at Cypress North

Christine “Shep” Zirnheld is a digital marketer at Cypress North & cohost of Marketing O’Clock on the Search Engine Journal ...