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New Search Tab at Bloglines

New Search Tab at Bloglines

From Bloglines News; there’s a new search tab within the Bloglines interface that’s the “first big mashup with Ask.com.” More from the story:

“Behind that fancy search tab is our all-new “Blog & Feed Search.” We created it by building a search index populated exclusively with Bloglines’ human-selected subscriptions. We then applied Ask.com’s world-class search technology to the index and supplemented the Ask algorithm with Bloglines subscription data and citation information. The result is a blog search we feel is second-to-none. In fact, we’re so happy with the results, we’ve given everyone two ways to enjoy them: on www.Bloglines.com and www.Ask.com, with each site’s version sprinkled with a few specialized features.”

This new feature looks very promising; you can search anywhere on the Web, within your feeds, or you can exclude your feeds altogether. There’s an Hourly Top Queries to the right of the search box, and the Advanced Search is quite impressive with all the options that it gives you. Using the drop-down menu, you can search through posts, citations, feeds, or the Web. And, a simple vanity search brought back an impressive search results page. The features I liked best included:

  • I could read half of my search results’ full text right there on the search results page.
  • That nifty binoculars feature in Ask has carried over – you can preview what a particular site’s feed looks like and read what looks to be the last five updates.
  • Want to enhance your search a bit? Try clicking the matching news and feeds on the far right.

Overall, I really am liking what Bloglines and Ask.com are coming up with; first the Ask.com blog search and now this handy-dandy search feature at Bloglines.

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Wendy Boswell is the Editor for About Web Search and part of the New York Times Company.