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Official AMP Plugin for WordPress Now Supports AMP Stories

Official AMP Plugin for WordPress Now Supports AMP Stories

A new version of the official AMP plugin for WordPress supports the creation of AMP Stories.

Google recently added a dedicated section to search results for showcasing AMP Stories.

So there’s no time like the present for learning how to create them.

While AMP Stories can be created with or without this plugin, its drag-and-drop functionality certainly makes things easier.

The AMP Project team explains how WordPress offers an ideal platform for creating AMP Stories:

“Building on top of WordPress, and specifically the new Gutenberg editor available in WordPress 5.0, allows the AMP Stories creation process to benefit from the rich media management architecture available in WordPress.

In Gutenberg everything is a block. This makes it easy to create rich post layouts, provide enhanced authoring tools (word count, color contrast, document outlines, etc.), and extend with custom blocks.”

Capabilities of the latest AMP plugin update include:

  • Creating and reordering AMP Story pages
  • Dragging and dropping blocks
  • Managing your content overall as part of WordPress
  • Creating new elements, such as text, videos, images
  • Changing the background color and opacity, and adding a gradient
  • Animating the text, rotating it, and selecting a Google font

This feature is currently available in an experimental alpha version of the AMP plugin, which is said to work best with Gutenberg.

With that said, download and install the plugin at your own discretion.

Category News Tools
SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...